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The below is a snapshot of our recent work
Thorpe Green Sports Pavillion Project


We were involved in the successful granting of planning permission on behalf of Core Judo Coaching for the demolition of an existing sports pavilion and the erection of a new two storey replacement sports facility in the Green Belt.

The proposals facilitated the provision of a new Dojo and wider sports facility for an important community Judo Club.

Given the sites Green Belt location it was necessary to prepare a case demonstrating that ‘very special circumstances’ existed to warrant a departure from Green Belt policy. There were also planning issues associated with Floor Risk and Ecology that were necessary to overcome during the pre-application and determination stage.

The case was successfully made for the provision of an enlarged building on the Site and planning permission was subsequently granted via delegated decision.


Chroma was appointed to manage the submission of a full planning application for a 3,168sqm building for logistics/ warehousing in a strategically important location in Kent.

The scheme came with its planning issues including ecology, drainage, design and landscape which we were able to prepare and implement a strategy to overcome.


Permission was granted and Chroma have been retained to manage the technical team through the discharge of planning conditions as well as submission of non-material amendment applications.



Chroma was appointed to manage a multidisciplinary team to prepare and submit a full planning application to Aylesbury Borough Council which included preparation of planning strategy. A full planning application was submitted for 185,000sqft (17,200sqm) of logistics/distribution floorspace in the heart of Aylesbury which will significantly contribute to the Council’s supply of employment floorspace.


Successful receipt of Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for substantial basement works and rear garden pavilion and extensions to a Grade II Listed Building. Chroma P&D managed the application process and submitted the applications to Westminster City Council. 



Chroma was appointed to lead and manage a multidisciplinary team to prepare and submit an outline planning application for 140,000sqft (12,900sqm) of logistics/employment floorspace. The site was unallocated, greenfield land and had a number of matters to consider and overcome as part of the application submission including net biodiversity gain, ancient trees, ecological constraints and highways.


Chroma have successfully received planning permission and led discussions with the Local Authority on appropriate wording of phased planning conditions.


Chroma was appointed to review the Council’s decision making, following refusal, for proposals to partially demolish at the rear and rebuild with a modern extension.


The property is a Grade II Listed Building within a conservation area. Chroma was subsequently appointed to prepare and submit a planning and listed building appeal and cost claim to the Planning Inspectorate.


Both appeals were allowed (permitted) and the Inspector supported the heritage case made by Chroma.



Chroma were instructed to review and advise on how to progress with significant rear alterations to a property in Hackney that had been recommended for refusal by the Local Authority.

The primary issues on the project related to amenity to neighboring properties and heritage impact given the Sites location within a Conservation Area.

Chroma were of the opinion that the proposals were acceptable and should not be refused. We were able to successfully make the case that in heritage terms the proposals would have no impact to the Conservation Area and that the existing neighbour amenity would not be affected. Chroma advised that the presentation of the application documentation needed to be improved and worked with the architect to ensure the drawings and design statement was suitable. Planning permission was issued with only small changes to the clients original proposal. This was achieved through developing a successful working relationship with the planning department. This case study demonstrates the importance of ensuring applications are well considered with suitable justification and presentation material.


Chroma are the retained consultants for Sutton Hotel Collection and have been working with them for a number of years including on one of their flagship hotels in Windsor. Chroma have submitted a number of planning and listed building applications at the Grade II Listed hotel.


One particular instruction involved advising on local consultation, preparing managing and submitting the applications to the Council. Both Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission granted at committee. 



Permission was granted for a prior approval application and a certificate of lawful proposed development to a property in South London, Streatham. There were a few obstacles to overcome but we reached resolution through successful collaboration with the Planning Officers at Croydon Council


Chroma was appointed to lead and manage a multidisciplinary team to prepare and submit a detailed planning application for 160,000sqft (15,000sqm) of logistics/employment floorspace. The site was located in a sensitive area surrounded on three sides by residential properties. Amenity, design and noise were key matters to consider and overcome as part of the application submission.

Chroma advised on planning strategy throughout which included the submission of a detailed pre-application request; meetings with the Council; submission of a prior approval for demolition. 


Chroma have successfully received planning permission and led discussions with the Local Authority on appropriate wording of phased planning conditions.



Chroma were approached for a second opinion on the potential conversion of existing residential accommodation in Wimbledon Village to provide a new mental healthcare facility, including amalgamation with an adjacent commercial building.

The client had been advised previously that it would not be possible. Chroma were able to prepare a strategy that accepted the loss of the existing accommodation in principle, through a detailed review of the planning context and policy situation. The strategy was also able to overcome issues of amenity given the urban context.


Following a successful pre-application process and full planning application was submitted and approved for the provision of a new and much needed healthcare facility to be locally operated.


This project is another example of our creative and holistic approach to complex projects where a forensic review of policy was required and a detailed consideration of all potential avenues was explored. The client had received contradictory advice from other consultants and we were able to navigate policy to provide a successful outcome for the client while working collaboratively with the Local Authority.



The client was seeking to make a number of alterations to an existing planning permission for substantial works to a locally listed substantial mansion property in St Johns Wood, London. The project team had been unsuccessful previously in having these approved to allow works to progress on Site.

Chroma are well versed in the intricacies of amending planning permissions and the relevant legal framework . Chroma provided detailed advice regarding the Section 73 (Minor Material Amendment) and Section 96a (non-material amendment) route for making amendments to an existing permission and what would fall within these parameters.

Chroma managed the submission and liaison with Westminster City Council on a Section 73 and Section 96a application, both of which were successful. 

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Chroma were instructed to advise on the planning strategy for the remodelling of an existing substantial dwelling within the prestigious Downs Conservation Area, Bristol. 

Chroma successfully developed a planning strategy which involved the submission of a planning application for extensive works to the building including the remodelling of the existing house and a series of extensions which effectively doubled the size of the property. Other works included new landscaping and level access to the front of the property. Key issues related to the requirement for high quality design which reflected the character and appearance of the conservation area; tree protection matters and appropriate access arrangements were successfully overcome during the determination process. 

The success of this project is a result of our approach to providing honest and clear advice along with developing a collaborative positive working relationship with the Local Authority.


"What can I say about Chroma Planning and Development other than that they made our dream a reality with their professional, personal and bespoke consultancy for our planning proposal.
We bought a site at auction in the Greenbelt for our award winning judo club but unbeknownst to me and having invested my mum’s pension pot, we were told planning permission would not be possible to develop the site….. In stepped Chroma Planning; they took a proposal that was effectively dead in the water and helped us achieve planning permission within 6 months through their diligent and caring approach that was packed with an incredible knowledge base. They understand intimately the ‘minefield’ that is planning and help you to navigate it with their fantastic communication skills.
I could not recommend them highly enough and will be forever grateful to them for ensuring we have a community judo club thanks to their expertise within the planning industry."

Chroma Planning and Development
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